Pupulazione corsa : un seculu fattu à scala

From the beginning of the XIXth century until today, Corsican population has developed following three major periods.
During the nineteenth century, we can notice a slight increase. We came to a historic maximum at a moment of change in the century, just below the 300,000 inhabitants.
From here, in Corsica, a demographic crisis begins. The decline is pretty null until the 14th war, but later it would have a much more importance. The war, already worse for Corsica, comes from the sea to the sliut of the island that will run until the sixties. Because of this, it is the immigration / emigration balance that is very unfavorable. Colonies, employer in the administration in the mainland, poor life in Corsica, little local development, all in this regard, explain the negative balance of many migratory flows. In the end, in 1954, the census-general in Corsica gave it a population of 191,500 inhabitants. It means that, in less than a century, it lost about a third of the population.
Since then, a new phase of demographic growth begins. This growth is between 1962 and 1968 (+ 2% annual average). It has been nourished by a strong immigration from Algeria with the backward rendering phenomenon that came to Corsica, after Algerian independence, exploiting agricultural land from the eastern plains. Even though it is slowly rising, the continuing growth is always an immigration phenomena (continental people and new migrations like Moroccan and Portuguese)
But the global growth marks a much expanding population in favor of the peripheral areas of the city and the littoral at the disables of the internal villages.
However, in the 1999 census, the population grew by 260,000 inhabitants, with a 0.43% increase from 90 to 99 (about 10 000 a) due primarily to the new flux of Migrants
(Fonte INSEE – TEC 2001)